Thursday, January 24, 2008

Black and white

I decided just for fun to try a b/w conversion. I have decided to do them on my own as I'm learning actions aren't always "all that". Here's one I tried this morning. I used a gradient map and that really helped a lot! I'm finding that once again, it's awesome to start with a correctly exposed photo because you really have to do very little to it.


Jill said...

Love the conversion, it looks really nice! I agree, it's so nice to get pictures "right" SOOC that you don't have much pp to do! =)


Robyn said...

Thanks Jill! I'm hoping to get my pp time down as low as I can so I can do more behind the camera!

Teri said...

This is a beautiful pic and I love the conversion

Robyn said...

Thanks Teri!