Saturday, February 2, 2008

Oy... what a week and some white

Well, this is the first chance I've had all week to take any picts or to post. All four kids ended up being positive for strep by the end of the week! Ugggg.... I got tested too, but apparently my exhaustion is merely from taking care of them all, not from the actual bug itself!

Needless to say I didn't have any willing subjects all week, and I just barely got one tonight! I don't have enough lighting to do a pure white background, so I have to cheat in PS. Not the greatest (it's overexposed) but a start... I was getting tired of red. I have in mind what I want to do for a valentine's card, but I just need healthy kids so they don't look half dead on it! Hopefully this week!

Here's one of Rylan from tonight....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Are you sick of RED yet?

I just love the red! I know it will get old fast though! One more shot of our beautiful girl... she loves this hat and has been wearing it around the house the past few days. I really played with color here... because of the red background she had a huge red cast on her face...took that out and played with the contrast on the rest of it. I think I blew the hat just a bit with this play... my one biggest complaint with this is not quite spot on focus. Just enough off to not be "sharp". Not horrible, but just off.... otherwise, I'm pretty happy with it! Of course, I don't tire of picts of my darling girl! :-)