Saturday, March 15, 2008


Well, seeing as I have very few options for backgrounds I'm trying to get creative.  Of course, there are two main commodities... time and money.  Being short on money (to buy new backgrounds), I default to time.  I had fun today experimenting with making different backgrounds in PS, however it is VERY time consuming!  I have to figure out how to mask faster! So, here's an example of what I was working on today.  The "grey" background is supposed to be white (yeah, that whole not enough lights problem)... so I replaced it with a shot of my actual gray background adding a color overlay creating a sand color background.  I think it looks okay and gives some options.  Now, proofing a session this way is not an efficient use of time, however it may be okay while I'm PBing as I have more time (believe it or not) than money!

Not the greatest shot, but fun to play with and shows the personality of these two!  Not bad focus for f5.6 either.  (I'm sad K isn't in sharp focus) I was only planning on shooting one kid at a time, but J wanted K in the shot too.  She wasn't too gung ho on that idea, so she was being silly the whole time!