Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Floor!

Okay, not really... but I set up a "fake floor and wall" for the first time. I think it turned out pretty good! I used my white backdrop pulled taught, a baseboard and a roll of laminent (have no idea how to spell that). I was going to try plexiglass, but it's so dang expensive. This set up only cost me $28!

So, I PS'd in a blue background on the boys. I think I'm going to try to gather some sheets. The PSing just takes so much time.... I have a shoot on Friday that I'm going to use this for and I'm considering getting a sheet or two for that so I don't have to PS a whole session.

Anyway... terrible picture. This was taken last night. The boys loved the "new floor" too much and I had a **really** hard time getting any picts, but was desperate to see how the floor looked. So, the lighting is horrible and the pose even worse, but it shows the floor anyway. This is as REAL as life gets! All it needs is K in the background laying on a sofa with what I'm pretty sure is strep (we'll find out today).... then it would be "perfectly real!"


kristykh said...

I like your PSed background. I was going to ask how you did it, but then I read on. I was hoping there was a quick and easy trick. No such luck.

Robyn said...

Nope, no quick and easy... but I have an idea of maybe using fleece??? I may try it... it would save so much time!!