Monday, February 4, 2008

The Pout

Here's some more white work. This is a bit putsy with having to mask and blow out the background. Looking forward to the time when I can buy an additional light and softbox so I can blow the background while shooting. Unless someone has an easier way in PS this is just way too time consuming. Kinda fun to play with an image or two though...

We have an official pouter in the family (besides me that is!) Our littlest man has perfected the expression... caught this one as this expression is usually what I get when I ask him to pose!


mindi said...

Your background looks so white - I can imagine how much time you put into it!
Great pout - you'll treasure that look someday :)

Robyn said...

Hee, hee... I have to stop from laughing when he does this look! He's also a master at looking out of the corner of his eye at you! At 2!! I did shoot on a white background, but it of course turned out gray... so I really just had to brighten in curves, but the erasing him back is the putzy part....

Jill said...

Awww, love his pout =)