Saturday, January 12, 2008


I thought I'd give a 366 photography blog a shot. However, in true fashion we are 1/2 way through January, and I'm just starting, so it won't be quite 366! If I'm honest it will probably be more like 52 anyway!

Here's my shot for today. This week is my week to nail exposure in studio. I've been working for some time on this and I'm SO close. Getting a light meter has helped immensely!

This is SOOC except for sharpen and resize for web and adding the frame. I'm working on getting my SOOC "perfect" so most shots at this point will not be edited.

The kids are less than enthused with my hobby at this point! Kylie is usually somewhat willing to pose, but has her idea of what she's going to do! While I'm mastering exposure it really doesn't matter to me what she does so that helps her want to pose!

I particularly liked this color on her. She came in wearing the hood and at first I told her to take it off, but then I thought better of that and realized she had a good idea! I'm glad I listened to her!

I blew highlights just a titch here so it's back up to adjust the lights I go. We'll see what I can come up with after a bit more fiddling. I'm also experiencing that Nikon "red cast" in her face and need to remember to take that out!

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